Thurgood Marshall standing at the left and Charles H. Houston seated at the right.

An anti-Warren billboard following Brown.

Chief Justic Earl Warren.

An anti-Brown propaganda flier probably published by the Sovereignty Commission.

The all-white jury that acquitted the murderers of Emmet Till.

The headlines speak for themselves

Martin Luther King under arrest during the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

Booking Rosa Parks in the opening days of the boycott.

Reverend Ralph Abernathy helped Martin Luther King establish the SCLC and was its first Vice-President.

Originally members of he Arkansas National Guard prevented the integration of Central High in Little Rock.

A member of the "Little Rock Nine" suffers abuse from the flower of Southern womanhood.

President Eisenhower nationalized the Arkansas National Guard and ordered in the 101st Airborne to protect the black students attempting to integrate Central High.
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